Musical toothbrush
Finding eggs
Best picture I could get!!
She took over Ryan's new bunny
Little ringlets - lasted through church
Carefully dyeing the egg (in a borrowed shirt)
Eating the egg
Me and Matt
We went to see my friend Kate in Baton Rouge. She has a girl Addie’s age and a new baby, Abrielle, who is 7 weeks old. The girls were very interesting to watch. I could lie and say there were the sweetest things who played great and loved each other and will be best friends forever (well, we will force that on them), but it wasn't quite like that. They did play nice a lot of the time, but there were also several squabbles. They would fight about silly things, of course, like whose yellow dress was whose (even when we told them, they disagreed), and how to pronounce words and who was first and whose turn it was and who was in whose face or pushed whose face away. They would get discouraged with each other for not doing what the other one told them to do – Emmy wanted Addie to get in the hula hoop with her, and Addie wouldn’t, and then Addie wanted Emilyn to stand on certain spots on the driveway and Emmy wouldn’t. It was just very curious to see what set each one off. Kate and I were discussing it and we think that a lot of it is just age – three’s are full of all sorts of new conflicts. We went to the Audobon Zoo in New Orleans and played at the park. It was fun going with just Addison by herself. It was strange to only have to worry about one child, and not have to pack diapers and wipes everywhere I went, or worry about the baby on the long car ride. Addie and I got candy at the gas stations and played at McDonalds and sang songs together. She was great in the car. And, despite all the fights, Emmy cried after we left, and Addie just this second told her daddy that Emmy was her best friend in the whole world.
Best Friends!
My mom was down to watch Ryan for 4 days. Matt was home but had to work, and then he spent the weekend putting more insulation in the attic. It was a long hard job and ended with a fall through the ceiling into the hallway. Luckily he’s fine and the hole will hopefully be fixed easily (and soon).
I finally bought a few more plants and would like to get outside this week and clean up my flower beds once and for all. The freeze this winter really did a number on a lot of my plants and I’ve decided that some of them aren’t going to come back, so I need to get some new stuff in the ground.
This weekend we have a Nevill family reunion out near the farm, and then Matt and I have his A&M Engineering department reunion that evening in College Station. Hopefully we will get to go to the baseball game (last year we had little kids with us, but not this time!), and/or a movie or something.